Monday, June 7, 2010


Since starting the GM and joining the forum, I have been able to learn so much about myself and my body.  I am truly blown away by the interesting and extremely intelligent people who have contributed alot of interesting information.

One of the most interesting things I am learning about is Epigenetics.  Dr Bruce Lipton is a cellular biologist who conducted a series of experiments that reveal that the cell membrane, the outer layer of a cell, is the organic equivalent of a computer chip, and the cell’s equivalent of a brain.  NOT the cell nucleus, as has been believed for many years.

In fact, Dr Lipton describes the SKIN of our bodies as a part of our brain.  Why not?  Our skin is the interface between our body and our environment.  The five senses - smell, touch, taste, sight and sound - are all functions of our skin that pick up signals about our environment.  They perceive messages which send signals which our bodies convert into a response.  Much like a TV antenna receiving a signal and converting it into pictures and sound on a screen.

Our DNA is our genetic blueprint, but it is a record of our ancestors.  It gives us information about the world as they perceived it, but we each have the ability to re-write that blueprint.

This is a brilliant video that explains how Epigenetics works and the messages in it are:

Your beliefs can change your genetic expression.

Spontaneous remissions are tied to having a profound change in perception or belief about life.

Your mind can create disease. And, through placebo effect, you can also heal yourself.

The people around you influence your perceptions, and since perception controls epigenetics, the philosophy of others, the culture and beliefs of people around you become part of your field which can control epigenetics and impact what you are able to create.

.... impact what you are able to create.

This is so powerful, and it ties in SO MUCH with the Law of Attraction.

One of my favourite quotes in The Secret is by W. Clement Stone:

"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve". 

It is one of my favourite sayings.  But until today, I never really understood how right W Clement Stone is!
I believed, until now, that a diagnosis of PCOS was a diagnosis of infertility and struggling with my weight for the rest of my life.

But after looking into epigenetics, it has turned everything upside down.

Perception Is Powerful.

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