Sunday, May 9, 2010


This is a beautiful summary of the Gabriel Method:

Your body has an internal logic that determines how fat or thin you will be at any given time. The way to lose weight is not to struggle or to force yourself to lose weight but to understand this internal logic and work with it so that your body wants to be thinner. When your body wants to be thinner, weight loss is inevitable and becomes automatic and effortless. You simply crave less food, you crave healthier foods, your metabolism speeds up and you become very efficient at burning fat, just like a naturally thin person.

From this day on, I am not going to feel ashamed or blame myself for being fat, nor am I going to force myself to lose weight. 

I have been using the evening meditation track for three nights now, it is so relaxing that I have been falling asleep before the track is finished.  So last night, just before bed, I lit a candle and sat in a quiet place and listened to the meditation while sitting up straight.  After that, I played some relaxing music on my iPod as I drifted off to sleep.  I had such a great night's sleep (except for the few times I woke up to beat up my husband for snoring!) and woke up feeling so refreshed this morning.  I had a bowl of Cornflakes for breakfast and didn't feel like anything else which is unusual for me, my typical breakfast is a bowl of cereal followed by two crumpets and a cup of tea.

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